Watch our concerts below!

OpporTUNEity® Songwriting + Instrumental Concert: may, 2024 - annex

Ten students from OpporTUNEity Music Connections’ Songwriting Fundamentals class perform original songs for select friends and family. All songs were co-written inside the jail as a collaborative effort between Worcester County House of Corrections inmates and OpporTUNEity’s Instructors. Copyright, OpporTUNEity Music Connections® 2024


OpporTUNEity® Songwriting + Instrumental Concert: May, 2024 - Main jail

OpporTUNEity Music Connections’ two music classes (Songwriting Fundamentals and Intro to Guitar, Piano, and Percussion) perform original and cover songs for select friends and family. Original songs were co-written inside the jail as a collaborative effort between Worcester County House of Corrections inmates and OpporTUNEity’s Instructors. Copyright, OpporTUNEity Music Connections® 2024


OpporTUNEity® Songwriting Concert: fall, 2023 - annex

In partnership with the Worcester County House of Corrections. All songs were co-written inside the jail as a collaborative effort between Worcester County House of Corrections inmates and OpporTUNEity instructors. Copyright, OpporTUNEity Music Connections® 2023.


OpporTUNEity® Songwriting Concert: Fall, 2023 - Main jail

In partnership with the Worcester County House of Corrections. All songs were co-written inside the jail as a collaborative effort between Worcester County House of Corrections inmates and OpporTUNEity instructors. Copyright, OpporTUNEity Music Connections® 2023.


OpporTUNEity® Songwriting Concert: August, 2023 - MAIN JAIL

In partnership with the Worcester County House of Corrections. All songs were co-written inside the jail as a collaborative effort between Worcester County House of Corrections inmates and OpporTUNEity instructors. Copyright, OpporTUNEity Music Connections® 2023.


OpporTUNEity® Songwriting Concert: May, 2023

In partnership with the Worcester County House of Corrections. All songs were co-written inside the jail as a collaborative effort between Worcester County House of Corrections inmates and OpporTUNEity instructors. Copyright, OpporTUNEity Music Connections® 2023.


OpporTUNEity® Songwriting Concert: May, 2023

In partnership with the Franklin County House of Corrections. All songs were co-written inside the jail as a collaborative effort between Franklin County House of Corrections inmates and OpporTUNEity instructors. Copyright, OpporTUNEity Music Connections® 2023.


OpporTUNEity® Songwriting Concert: May, 2023

In partnership with the Hampshire County House of Corrections. All songs were co-written inside the jail as a collaborative effort between Hampshire County House of Corrections inmates and OpporTUNEity instructors. Copyright, OpporTUNEity Music Connections® 2023.


OpporTUNEity® Songwriting Concert: December, 2022

In partnership with the Worcester County House of Corrections. All songs were co-written inside the jail as a collaborative effort between Worcester County House of Corrections inmates and OpporTUNEity instructors. Copyright, OpporTUNEity Music Connections® 2022.


OpporTUNEity® Songwriting Concert: May, 2021

In partnership with the Worcester County House of Corrections. All songs were co-written inside the jail as a collaborative effort between Worcester County House of Corrections inmates, Anna Maria College student interns, and OpporTUNEity instructors. Copyright, OpporTUNEity Music Connections® 2021.


OpporTUNEity® Songwriting Concert: May, 2021

In partnership with the Worcester County House of Corrections. All songs were co-written inside the jail as a collaborative effort between Worcester County House of Corrections inmates, Anna Maria College student interns, and OpporTUNEity instructors. Copyright, OpporTUNEity Music Connections® 2021.


OpporTUNEity® Songwriting Concert: December, 2020

In partnership with the Worcester County House of Corrections. All songs were co-written inside the jail as a collaborative effort between Worcester County House of Corrections inmates, Anna Maria College student interns, and OpporTUNEity instructors. Copyright, OpporTUNEity Music Connections® 2020.


OpporTUNEity® Songwriting Concert: December 2019

In partnership with the Worcester County House of Corrections. All songs were co-written inside the jail as a collaborative effort between Worcester County House of Corrections inmates, Anna Maria College student interns, and OpporTUNEity instructors. Copyright, OpporTUNEity Music Connections® 2020.