OpporTUNEity in the News
All Keyed Up Podcast, June, 2021
Melissa speaks with Ben Kapilow, host of All Keyed Up, about OpporTUNEity. She also speaks more broadly about the topic of community outreach.
ALEC, May, 2022
John Wayne interviews with the American Legislative Exchange Council. He discusses inmate reform and how OpporTUNEity contributed to his rehabilitation as an inmate inside of the Worcester County House of Corrections.
Worcester Magazine, October, 2020
In our second featured story, Worcester Magazine Correspondent Stephanie Jarvis Campbell writes about the OpporTUNEity Songwriting program at the Worcester County House of Corrections and the impact it has had one particular graduate of the program.
Worcester Magazine, June, 2020
In her featured story, correspondent Stephanie Jarvis Campbell writes about how OpporTUNEity® moved to remote learning during COVID-19.
Piano Magazine, May, 2020
In an article that focuses on supporting learners who are at risk, OpporTUNEity® can be found in a special COVID-19 edition of Piano Magazine. A link to the flip book can be found below (note: must have a username and password).
Spectrum News, Worcester, April, 2020
Spectrum News Anchor Olivia Lemonn covered our transition to online learning onset of COVID-19.
Worcester Telegram & Gazette, October, 2019
Craig Semon from the Worcester Telegram & Gazette reported on our Songwriting program at the Worcester County House of Corrections in October, 2019.
On Air, March, 2019
Melissa interviewed with Hugh Drummond from O’neill & Associates for his podcast on OA On Air.
Worcester Telegram & Gazette, October, 2018
Scott O'Connell writes about our partnership with Anna Maria College & Worcester Public Schools.
Validity Magazine, February, 2016
Becky Jane Newbold writes about our original partnership with Martin Methodist College in Pulaski, TN.
NCKP PEDxV, July, 2015
Melissa gives a keynote address on the origins of OpporTUNEity® at the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy.